As from Wednesday, the 11th of April 2012, the following congregational salaah time-changes at our Masjid will occur: 1. `Asr Jamaat: 16h45 3. `Ishaa Jamaat: 19h30 [Allah Willing!]
Summary of the Preamble to Surah Yasin
Bismihi Ta`ālā Summary of the Introductory Programme to the Explanation of Sūrah Yāsīn Presented at Masjid Qubā, Ridgeway [1] An Overview of the Chapter Sūrah Yāsīn is the 26th chapter of the Holy Qur’ān. It is Meccan, comprising of 83 verses. Meccan chapters are characterised by a discussion of issues related to the […]
Summary of the Preamble to Surah YasinHadith of the Week
The Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “Hell is veiled by evil desires; whilst Paradise is veiled by detestable, difficult things.” Hence, if one succumbs to one’s evil desires, one tears the veil between oneself and Hell. Whilst if one subdues his desires, despite it being difficult, one will be piercing through the […]
Recent Activities of Ridgeway Youth
Alhamdulillah, through the grace and mercy of Allah (azza wa jall), our youth have participated in the following activities and many others since the inception of this forum: 1. Winter Blanket Drive: Funds were collected; blankets purchased, packed and distributed personally to deserving Muslims in Soweto. 2. Showing Affinity to Orphans: Gift bags packed with […]
Recent Activities of Ridgeway Youth